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Hand puppet with eye and mouth mechanisms

Black Jaguar was designed and created by a mammal based project. This project had is consider the damaging world we have create for many other species. I was interested in taking a strong powerful mammal and see how he might be our perceptions change when we see him trapped and afraid. For this I wanted to focus on the eyes. I decided to make moveable eyes to allow him to follow people with his eyes as they walk past. I feel the eyes are a great way to connect with the audience. I chose a bright green so they would stand out. I also created a moveable mouth piece. This puppet has sculpted in clay, then moulded using warbla. As an end result it is strong and was easy to paint. I feel the finish looks young and fearful. The paint also picked up well on the camera giving that shine you see on the fur of cubs.

Project Process Gallery

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